Sunday, January 20

Blythe Danner

Ah, what a wonderful reply from one of my true loves in the entertainment industry!
I LOVE BLYTHE! So elegant, she is, and what a beautiful daughter she brought into this world...
the one and only Gwyneth Paltrow. I loved her as Dina Byrnes in the Meet the Parents trilogy, and now I only wish I could see her on Broadway alongside Matthew Broderick in Nice Work If You Can Get It. She is only performing through March, mind you, and I am so, so, SO thrilled to have heard back from her!

Saturday, January 19

Daniel Stern

I'm baaaaack! I know, right? Who would have thought? Well, when I read Daniel Stern of Home Alone fame would be making his Broadway debut with Laurie Metcalf in The Other Place, I knew I had to write! Plus, Blythe Danner, one of my great loves in the industry, is also on Broadway, so I sent her a nice letter and a couple photos as well.  
But back to Daniel...Marv from Home Alone! One-half of the Wet Bandits! What can I say about Home Alone? It's a classic, and anyone reading this who HASN'T seen either of these two films should act quickly to remedy the situation. The first was great, but I really enjoyed the second one because of the New York setting (plus the addition of Tim Curry helped, too). I just watched both this past Christmas and was reminded of how often I watched them when I was a kid.  
Hopefully I hear back from Blythe as quickly as I heard back from Daniel. That's what I love about Broadway! Speedy replies! Live Long and Prosper.