Saturday, February 16

(STPP) Christopher Lloyd

I feel this great actor needs no introduction. You know him from Back to the Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Addams Family, Clue: The Movie, and so much more! He appeared in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock as Klingon Commander Kruge, and when I was presented with an opportunity to have him sign my Trek poster (see below), I gladly accepted! This was signed at the Sci-Fi Expo down in Irving, Texas last weekend, and I received it back yesterday. I couldn't be happier with it, and the fact Mr. Lloyd does not attend as many conventions as some others makes this even more special. Stay tuned for the next signature!

Monday, February 11

Star Trek Poster Project (STPP)

Back in October '12, I had it in my head that I would purchase a unique Star Trek poster to be signed at future conventions by as many actors and actresses associated with the franchise as possible. I wanted the poster to be as series-neutral as possible (meaning, I didn't want to ask LeVar Burton from TNG to sign a poster clearly relating to Voyager, or Bill Shatner to sign one relating to DS9), and while the poster I ultimately decided on depicts the infamous, "To boldly go where no man has gone before" quote, I feel as though that quote encapsulates the Trek franchise quite nicely. Others may argue the design of the Enterprise is not appropriate for DS9 or Voyager, and to them I say this: So what?! Who cares?! Ha! ;) But seriously, to each his/her own...

Personally, I couldn't be happier with the print, and a HUGE shout out to artist Andrew Heath for doing such an awesome job (and signing the poster for me as requested). You can view his official website or his official store to purchase one for yourself! DO IT! Stay tuned for my first signature to be added within the coming days!
*Image is Property of Andrew Heath*