Here's the story...remember how I said I was going to send my copy of Florence's autobiography to be signed, even though I already have a signed photo in my collection? Well, that's precisely what I've done, and today I couldn't be happier. I sent my book about a week before Halloween and am incredibly pleased with how fast it came back to me. I have been sick this entire week, so this really helped me feel better this afternoon. I have loved Florence for as long as I can remember, thanks to her flawless performance as Mrs. Carol Brady on The Brady Bunch. I used to watch reruns on Nick-at-Nite every night before going to bed as a kid, and now I own almost all seasons on DVD. What's more, her 30-second cameo at the end of The Brady Bunch Movie, in which she tells Jan to "cut the crap" because of her inner voices as a result of being a middle child, was the icing on top of a truly delicious cake. They just don't make shows like The Brady Bunch anymore, and they just don't have such genuinely talented actresses like Florence Henderson. Sure, there are talented individuals out there today, don't get me wrong, but it's a different kind of talent. Here's to you, Florence, for being such a kind individual (I wish all celebrities would put fanmail addresses on their official websites), and for granting my second autograph request. :)
In addition, have y'all been watching the new season of American Horror Story? I have been, and I LOVE IT! Jessica Lange is brilliant as Sister Jude, and the storyline is so gripping that I can't help but tune in each week! Definitely give it a try if you haven't already. (coming from someone who didn't watch Season One...)
Friday, November 9
Sunday, October 21
A Much-Needed Update

So there. I've checked in. And I haven't forgot about y'all. Let's just hope it doesn't take me another two months to post something! Live Long and Prosper!
Wednesday, August 15
Star Trek 2012 Las Vegas Convention
Well, my friends, the time has come and gone. As you know, I have saved and planned for almost a year, and now my first Star Trek convention is a piece of history and exists only in my memory (as well as in plenty of photos, haha). We departed from St. Louis on Thursday, August 9 and returned on Tuesday, August 14; during that time, I attended the convention Friday through Sunday.
In order to best relay my experiences, I have decided to model this post after one I discovered from another Trekkie (visit Catalogued, Organized and Easily Referenced through Blogger for their recap of the 2010 convention). Each day will be broken down into two categories: Autographs and Photo Ops. So, here we go!
Friday, August 10
Since the convention, however, I have been hard at work redecorating my bedroom. I have moved some things around and have decided to create a "Wall of Star Trek" as an homage to one of my all-time favorite things. I have Instagramed the original photo and made it darker in order to better view some of the photos. Enjoy!
In order to best relay my experiences, I have decided to model this post after one I discovered from another Trekkie (visit Catalogued, Organized and Easily Referenced through Blogger for their recap of the 2010 convention). Each day will be broken down into two categories: Autographs and Photo Ops. So, here we go!
Friday, August 10
- Grace Lee Whitney (Janice Rand from The Original Series)
- John de Lancie (Q from The Next Generation)
- LeVar Burton (Geordi La Forge from The Next Generation)
- Michael Dorn (Worf from The Next Generation & Deep Space Nine)
- Gates McFadden (Beverly Crusher from The Next Generation)
- Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi from The Next Generation)
- Brent Spiner (Data from The Next Generation)
- Chase Masterson (Leeta from Deep Space Nine)
- Robert Picardo (Holographic Doctor from Voyager)
- Garrett Wang (Harry Kim from Voyager)
- LeVar Burton
- Brent Spiner & Gates McFadden (duo)
- Jonathan Frakes (William Riker from The Next Generation)
- Jonathan Frakes
- Michael Dorn & Marina Sirtis (duo)
- George Takei (Hikaru Sulu from The Original Series)
- William Shatner (James Kirk from The Original Series)
- Alice Krige (The Borg Queen from First Contact & Voyager)
- George Takei
- William Shatner
Since the convention, however, I have been hard at work redecorating my bedroom. I have moved some things around and have decided to create a "Wall of Star Trek" as an homage to one of my all-time favorite things. I have Instagramed the original photo and made it darker in order to better view some of the photos. Enjoy!
Wednesday, August 1
Chris Colfer
Today I received my signed copy of Chris Colfer's The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell. I have been an enormous fan of Chris' career since he first appeared as Kurt Hummel on Glee (a role that would earn him a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor in a Television Series). TIME Magazine even named him one of their '100 Most Influential People' of, it begs the question: when could he possibly have time to pen a novel? That's an excellent question, but I'm glad he did! Because I've now secured his signature for my collection!
A HUGE 'thank you' goes out to Ben of Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Cincinnati for setting aside a copy for Chris to sign for me. He was very accommodating and patient on the phone with me; I only wish I was able to attend the signing in person! And I can't wait to see what's in store for Kurt when Glee returns for its FOURTH (!!) season on Thursday, September 13! New night, folks!
Of course, there's only ONE week between me and the world's largest Star Trek convention in Las Vegas and I CANNOT contain my excitement! Keep checking this site for my write-up of autographs and photo-ops to be posted as soon as I return from all of the excitement! Thanks for your support!
Thursday, June 28
Christian Borle
Man, I love this hobby! Today I received a GREAT response from the incredibly talented (and newly crowned Tony Award winner) Christian Borle, who plays Tom Levitt on one of my favorite shows right now, NBC's Smash. My mother and I LOVED the first season of Smash and we cannot wait for the second season to start back up in the fall. Christian has such wonderful chemistry with Debra Messing (she is his writing partner on the show) that each episode leaves me wanting more, more and more!
As you can see in the photo, Christian has become the fifth celebrity to compliment me on my amazing penmanship (if I do say so myself, haha), joining the likes of Chris Pine, Joel McHale, Zach Galifianakis and Rachel Griffiths. I reeeeally like his penmanship because it has character -- y'know, I went through a phase when I wrote in nothing but all caps -- but I'm never one to shy away from a compliment, so I'll gladly take it! Just another reason why I really LOVE this hobby!
Monday, June 25
'Judge Judy' Sheindlin
Today I received my photos back signed and dedicated from everyone's favorite television judge, the honorable Judge Judith Sheindlin. She has presided over her own courtroom on the mega-popular Judge Judy (check your local listings) for sixteen years now, and is under contract to continue filming episodes until 2015.
Judge Judy has always displayed enormous intelligence and elegance when her appellants (almost always) seem to be lacking brains and and any form of common sense of their own. I always enjoy her appearances on The View -- heck, the ladies of The View always make things ten times better -- and I knew it was time to pursue adding her signature to my collection. Now that I am in possession of these two signed photos, I have officially filled my second book of 96 signed 5x7" photos, bringing my grand total of signed 5x7"s to 192 since I first began in 2008! There's no stopping me now! :)
I thought y'all would like to see one of my most memorable moments on Judge Judy
...and I think it can be described with one word: earthquake. Take a look!
Saturday, June 23
Angela Lansbury
Tale as old as time, true as it can be...
Today I received a nice reply from the one and only Angela Lansbury, who is an absolute legend of both screen and stage. Beauty and the Beast, Murder, She Wrote, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Blithe Spirit and A Little Night Music...I mean, where do I begin?? This woman is amazing!
Of course, I've loved her since first seeing Beauty and the Beast and I cannot believe I have acquired her signature on not just one, but TWO, photos! She is currently starring in the Broadway production of Gore Vidal's The Best Man at the Schoenfeld Theatre in New York, which has been an excellent venue in terms of fanmail, as I've also received my photos back signed from Eric McCormack and Michael McKean in a timely manner. I've thought about sending to James Earl Jones, who is also appearing in the play, but I've already acquired a nice signed and personalized 5x7" of Darth Vader from him some time ago.
With Angela's signed photos added to the autograph book, that just leaves three sleeves to be filled until I complete my second book of 96 (!!) signed 5x7"s. WOW. Can't wait to see what this week brings...
Monday, June 18
Blair Underwood
Well, this mail week started off on the right foot. Today I received my photos back signed and dedicated from the incredibly talented Blair Underwood, who is currently starring in the Broadway production of Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire. I have been a fan of his since first seeing his performance as Dr. Robert Leeds, one of Miranda's more stable boyfriends, on Sex and the City back in the day, but more recently I enjoyed his performance as President Elias Martinez on NBC's short-lived series, The Event. Then, of course, there's LA Law and The New Adventures of Old Christine...while I did not watch LA Law, I did watch Christine, and I was saddened when I heard the show had not been picked up for a few more seasons a couple years back. You know it's good when Elaine Benes (aka Julia Louis-Dreyfus) is involved. Apparently some at CBS did not feel the same way, however...
Only five -- FIVE! -- photos stand between me and another autograph book being completed. I currently have requests pending with Angela Lansbury, 'Judge Judy' Sheindlin, Christian Borle and a few others, so I cannot wait to see who arrives next.
Thursday, June 14
Robert Duncan McNeill
I sent out a batch of five requests last week, and I received my first response today...and boy, I certainly was NOT expecting it to be from Robert Duncan McNeill (I was expecting someone on Broadway to be first, as they're usually a bit faster than agency requests). With that being said, you can imagine how excited I was to find my two photos signed and waiting for me when I returned home from work this afternoon. Happy Thursday!
Robert is, perhaps, best known for his role as Lieutenant Tom Paris on Star Trek: Voyager, but since finishing Voyager, he has established himself as quite the awesome director in the television industry. He will be appearing at the Star Trek convention in Las Vegas that I am attending, but I already have so much I want to accomplish while I am there and would hate to miss his scheduled autograph signing. I hope to be able to see his stage appearance, however! At last check, we're just under 55 days 'til the convention and I'm getting more and more excited every day. That deserves a 'woo'...WOO!
Sunday, May 20
Kiss Them Goodbye
I think this might be my first traditional blog post...traditional in the sense that it is, basically, just an outpouring of my thoughts and feelings at the present moment. May is always a difficult month for this entertainment enthusiast, as most television shows debut their season (and sometimes series) finales.
This year's finales were particularly difficult for me to handle, as I said goodbye to one of my favorite shows, Desperate Housewives, after eight seasons. Sure, some seasons were much, much better than others (yeah, that's right, seasons two and six sucked, but I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of them), and I thought the final episode was executed in a great way and said goodbye to these women in the best way possible. With that being said, and I'll preface this with a SPOILER alert in case anyone hasn't seen the series finale and is planning on watching it soon, I couldn't help but feel saddened when Edie Britt (Nicollette Sheridan) was noticeably absent from the montage of dead characters from seasons past as Susan (Teri Hatcher) took one final spin through Wisteria Lane. Believe me, I understand and am aware of her current court case against creator Marc Cherry, but Edie Britt was a vital member of the cast for five years and I thought it was a cheap shot to exclude her. I have no idea whether an invitation was extended to Sheridan or whether she refused, but it would have been nice to see her in the series finale.
Additionally, we bid adieu to two crucial members of the Grey's Anatomy family in their eighth season finale, Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh) and Teddy Altman (Kim Raver). As is customary with Grey's Anatomy, there was a huge, suspenseful event that occurred in the episode before the finale (in this case, a plane crash), and the finale dealt with the repercussions of said event. As I was watching, I feared we might lose Mark Sloan (Eric Dane) like we lost Lexie Grey, but perhaps they are saving that for the premiere of season nine? I know the cast just completed contract negotiations for an additional two years, so perhaps season ten will be the end? They are certainly acting as though the gang is beginning to go their separate ways, so I have already started prepping myself for their big finale.
I want to take a moment to reflect upon the fifth season finale of The Big Bang Theory...I loved every minute. Howard Wolowitz (Simon Helberg) and Bernadette Rostenkowski (Melissa Rouch) finally tied the knot just moments before Howard departed on a space mission with NASA. The final scene in which Penny (Kaley Cuoco) and Leonard (Johnny Galecki), Amy (Mayim Bialik) and Sheldon (Jim Parsons), and Bernadette (Rauch) and Raj (Kunal Nayyar) were watching as the shuttle took off from the launching pad, as each couple held each other's hands, it was so emotional for a show like The Big Bang Theory and left me with chills when it was over. I cannot wait to see what's in store for the gang when season six premieres.
And what about Glee?! Oh, I balled during their Nationals episode and I know I'm going to have a heck of a time when they graduate! Beiste's (Dot Marie Jones) storyline has been so emotional (I'm so glad she finally left Cooter), as has Puck's (Mark Salling; oh, I hope he graduates!), and it makes me really appreciate the show even more. Season two was not the best, but season three has been a tremendous improvement...and that's because of one woman: WHOOPI. The Power of Ms. Goldberg. :) She's a legend. Yes, I know what you're thinking...I do, in fact, have her autograph...
Finally, I wanted to show y'all what I'm taking with me to have signed at the Star Trek convention out in Vegas in August. This is a First Contact mini poster previously signed by Sir Patrick Stewart, and I anticipate acquiring the signatures of everyone else on the poster while I'm out there. I can't wait!

Wednesday, May 16
Nick Jonas
After three years of wanting to add his autograph to my collection, I have FINALLY added the one and only Nick Jonas to the book! Now, y'know, Nick is probably best known for his guest appearances on this season of NBC's SMASH...wait, strike that...he was only a member of one of the most popular boy bands (BB) in the history of the music industry! The Jonas Brothers! I'm hot, you're cold... (in all fairness, however, I loved this season of SMASH and his rendition of "Haven't Met You Yet" was AMAZING)
I was an enormous fan of the Jonas Brothers when I was in high school (heck, I still am), and I listened to their sophomore album, A Little Bit Longer, literally every day as I drove to and from school. Tonight and Pushin' Me Away were my two favorites, and now Nick has grown by leaps and bounds to headline his own Broadway show! He will be appearing in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying through THIS Sunday (following leading men Dan Radcliffe and Darren Criss), and I cannot believe he was not rewarded with a Tony nomination for his awesome performance. Some things I will NEVER understand...and this is one of them.
Monday, May 7
Michael McKean
Today I received my photos back signed and dedicated from one of my favorite actors, Michael McKean, who is probably best known for his performance as Lenny on Laverne & Shirley, but I personally loved him as Adrien Van Voorhees in Primetime Glick, as Mr. Green in Clue: The Movie and as Larry Dittmeyer in The Brady Bunch Movie.
Michael has had an amazing career in the entertainment industry and is currently appearing in the Broadway production of Gore Vidal's The Best Man with Eric McCormack. I have been an enormous fan of Clue and The Brady Bunch Movie since first seeing them more than ten years ago, and they are still two of my favorite movies today. Both movies have so many quotable lines that I know by heart...should you wish to ever hear some, let me know. With these two photos added to the collection, I am even closer to filling my second book! Oh happy day!
...I would write more, but Finals week is keeping me quite busy...ahhh, only one more day until Summer Vacation, which means my Star Trek convention is getting close!
Thursday, May 3
Eric McCormack
Eric is currently starring in the Broadway production of The Best Man and is part of a stellar ensemble of talented actors, including Angela Lansbury, James Earl Jones, Michael McKean and John Larroquette. Now, you may be asking yourself...Andrew, have you written to the others? Why yes, yes I have...sort of. You may recall I received John Larroquette's autograph last year when he was appearing in How to Succeed with Daniel Radcliffe, so check him off the list. James Earl Jones was one of the first people I wrote when I began this hobby (I have a signed and dedicated photo of Darth Vader), so check him off as well. I have a signed playbill from Angela Lansbury when she was appearing in A Little Night Music with Catherine Zeta-Jones, but I think I may write her soon because I would love to add a signed 'Mrs. Potts' photo from Beauty and the Beast to the collection. And, finally, Michael McKean...LOVED him in Clue: The Movie and The Brady Bunch Movie, so I made sure to send him a request when I wrote Eric. Here's hoping I receive a response from him back soon as well.
Back to Eric. I loved Will & Grace and watched it frequently when it was airing new episodes on NBC. Karen (Megan Mullally) was my favorite, but they were a great foursome and I truly miss the smart writing of the show. Mother and I thoroughly enjoy watching Debra Messing on Monday nights on NBC's SMASH, so it is great to be able to keep tabs on her. The photos look great and I am thrilled to add his signature to my collection.
Wednesday, April 18
Carrie Fisher

I have loved Star Wars for as long as I can remember -- I mean, it was a HUGE part of my childhood (I had almost every action figure imaginable and still dream of one day possessing a fully functional lightsaber) -- and it was due, in large part, to Carrie Fisher's performance as Leia. Return of the Jedi was my favorite growing up, basically because of all the different characters at Jabba's Palace, but the more I watch it today, The Empire Strikes Back is quickly becoming my favorite from the original trilogy. The entire beginning on Hoth and the ending in Bespin are so action-packed...I love it. And don't even get me started on the prequels...I think they're good in their own right (thank you, Ewan McGregor and Samuel L. Jackson), but nothing compares to the originals.
Now, this signature comes courtesy of the nice people at Books & Co. out in Dayton, OH, who said they would have Ms. Fisher sign a copy of her latest book, Shockaholic, for me. She's going to look great next to Mayim Bialik and Dame Julie Andrews, who are both doing fine...thanks for asking. I had originally asked for the book to be personalized if Ms. Fisher was accepting dedications, but I suppose things didn't quite work out. Either way, I'm thrilled! Thanks, as always, for looking!
Now, this signature comes courtesy of the nice people at Books & Co. out in Dayton, OH, who said they would have Ms. Fisher sign a copy of her latest book, Shockaholic, for me. She's going to look great next to Mayim Bialik and Dame Julie Andrews, who are both doing fine...thanks for asking. I had originally asked for the book to be personalized if Ms. Fisher was accepting dedications, but I suppose things didn't quite work out. Either way, I'm thrilled! Thanks, as always, for looking!
Friday, March 23
Mayim Bialik

Recently, Mayim published her first book titled Beyond the Sling, and I instantly started searching for a possible book tour as a means of obtaining her signature. I discovered her agenda on her official website (probably would have been easier to check there in the first place), and made a call out to the Vroman's book store in Pasadena, California. I spoke with some lovely people and they said, time permitting, they would try and have Mayim sign a copy for me...well, I don't think I need to spell the rest out for you now. Take a look at the photo below. I am ecstatic to have received a signed book, especially considering she: 1) dedicated the book to me (always a plus), 2) added the date of signing (a nice touch) and 3) wrote "Amy Farrah Fowler" underneath her signature (I had originally asked for the dedication to read something like, "To Andrew - Best Wishes from Amy Farrah Fowler - Mayim Bialik," but the fact that she was courteous enough to add her character name is PLENTY for me). Seeing "Amy Farrah Fowler" written underneath her signature was the icing on top of the cake.
I have tried multiple times to add Mayim's autograph to my Big Bang collection, and I am thrilled I have finally secured her signature. Below, I have embedded one of my absolute favorite scenes from this season of The Big Bang Theory, which features Sheldon and Amy in one of their finest moments together. Have a look!
Monday, March 5
Kate Mulgrew
I received another great addition to my Star Trek collection...from the one and only Capt. Janeway of Voyager (VOY), Kate Mulgrew! She was wonderful as Janeway for seven seasons and one film (Nemesis), and I cannot wait to meet her this August at the Star Trek convention in Las Vegas...that's right, I'm going! I contemplated for a long while, but the guest list was too good to pass up. They've reunited almost the entire crew of TNG -- save for Sir Patrick Stewart (still subject to change) -- and almost all of those who starred in VOY, I knew I had to seize the opportunity!
Kate has always been grateful to her fans, and I'm thrilled to add these photos to my growing collection. I'm still planning on purchasing her signature out in Vegas, but it'll be for a cast-signed Voyager poster I plan on starting (and hopefully finishing) at the convention. Stay tuned & thank you very much, Kate!
Thursday, February 16
Fred Willard
While the name 'Fred Willard' might not immediately ring a bell, take one look at the photo and you'll know who he is. This man has had an extensive career in the entertainment industry and is nothing short of a comedic genius. I first started following his career after first seeing his performance as Michelle Flaherty's father in American Wedding (I was probably a tad young to watch the unrated edition when I did, but hello, the stripper scene was HILARIOUS), and have followed his every move to Anchorman, Everybody Loves Raymond, Back to You, The Closer, Raising Hope and Modern Family...surely those of you reading this have seen at least ONE -- but probably more than one -- of his performances in any of the aforementioned programs, and you'll understand why I had to add him to the collection. It only took a little over one week for the photos to find their way back to me, but not personalized as requested, sadly. Anywho, two more to the autograph book!
Saturday, February 4
Alan Rickman
Received a nice success from one of my all-time favorite actors, the incredibly talented Alan Rickman. Thanks to his flawless and quite emotional performance as Severus Snape in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II (not to mention his performances in the other seven films), I selected Alan as my 2011 Person of the Year on my Facebook-based talkshow, Point of View. While my nomination may seem trivial, I strongly believe he should have been nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, but alas, the elite members of "the Academy" decided otherwise...he was the series' best hope for ever winning an Oscar.
Alan is currently appearing in the Broadway production of Seminar alongside Jerry O'Connell (remember my post??), and has been absolutely wonderful at replying to fanmail. I sent a 5x7" photo of him from Seminar in mid-January, and although he kept my photo, he sent me a different 5x7" photo of him in the same pose and a playbill from the show...both signed and dedicated to me. Now, here's the was raining when this came and one drop of precipitation -- ONE drop -- hit the envelope and managed to seep through ever-so-slightly. I've allowed for it to dry and for the wrinkles to flatten (I'm quite anal), and now it really doesn't look half-bad in my autograph book. I am in no way complaining, as Mr. Rickman is a semi-tough autograph to obtain, but curses to the rain!
Friday, January 27
Bob Saget
ANOTHER reply today?! Happy Friday to me! I received my photos back signed super-fast from Danny Tanner himself, the one and only Bob Saget! Full House was one of my all-time favorite shows growing up (heck, who am I kidding, it still is), and Danny was my favorite character. Anyone remember the episode where he was supposed to stall DJ while Jesse and Joey prepped her birthday surprise? Well, leave it to Danny to deliver the laughs...he broke out the guitar and it was hilarious. "Beep, beep! Beep, beep! The horn went beep, beep, beep!" He did it, like, five different times ("Just the girls!" or "DJ and Kimmy!") and I'm laughing just thinking about it.
Anyways, I was privileged enough to see Bob's comedy routine LIVE at SIU-Edwardsville last April and, although a tad ronchy (whaddaya expect?!), it was great to see him in person. My good friend, Emma, and I were going to wait to see if we could meet him afterwards, but I had a job interview early the following morning and had an hour-long drive ahead of me. I got the job, though -- it's amazing! -- and now I've got the autograph. :) "And now, it's ONE vs. ONE HUNDRED!" By the way, when did that Carrie Ann Inaba chick start hosting that show?! She sucks. Unless she's playing Fook Yu in "Austin Powers"...then she's tolerable. But that's neither here nor there...
Thursday, January 26
Cynthia Nixon
Although her new Broadway show Wit doesn't officially open until tonight, Cynthia Nixon has been amazing at replying to fanmail sent during previews, and today I received my photos back signed and dedicated from my favorite Sex and the City leading lady, the one and only Miranda Hobbes! I received Cynthia's autograph while she was filming Sex and the City 2 in 2009, but there are so many beautiful promotional shots of these ladies from SATC that I couldn't help but send two of my favorite images to be signed once more.
Miranda's quick wit (no pun intended on her Broadway show of the same name) and her sense of humor, combined with her strong work ethic, are what made me instantly connect with her the first time I saw Sex and the City. But I've loved watching her transition into motherhood with Steve and Brady (and Magda!), and I thought she was much more caring and personable (relatable, perhaps?) in the second film than ever before. I only wish a third installment was in the very, very near future, but alas, I think we may be in for a bit of a wait...
Tuesday, January 17
T.R. Knight & Jerry O'Connell
2012 is starting off on the right foot! Today I received two great replies after the Martin Luther King, Jr. from T.R. Knight (of Grey's Anatomy fame), and the other from Jerry O'Connell (of Stand By Me fame).
T.R. is known for his performance as George O'Malley during the first five seasons of ABC's Grey's Anatomy, one of my all-time favorite television shows, so I was thrilled to hear back from him after sending my request when he was on Broadway back in -- wait for it -- 2010! This is, without a doubt, one of my longest waits for a response, but I am still shocked that I even heard back from him. I thought my request had disappeared for good! I had asked for a signed playbill from his Broadway show, and now, almost two years later, I have that playbill! How awesome is that?!
Jerry is currently appearing in Broadway's Seminar with the incredibly talented Alan Rickman, and I was, once again, quite pleased to have received my photos back signed (but not personalized as requested, sadly). I sent my request to Jerry back in November 2011, which had me worried because most Broadway replies only take a couple weeks rather than a couple months. And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he sign in an odd area on the photo with him and Jim Belushi? Right on the Las Vegas sign in the corner...I mean, really?
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